Friday, May 8, 2009

What's wrong with this culture?

I was walking through the mall earlier this week when I noticed a black dude walking the other way. His t-shirt had the old Warner Brothers logo on it .. but the lettering was interesting. "If you see the police, Warn-a-Brother." How cute.

Let's not get into a whole rant here about what this t-shirt says about the culture this character lives in. I'm just wondering what happens if I go to a mall in a predominately black community wearing a t-shirt with the words "If you see a brother, warn-a-cop."

My guess is that I'm not going to fare too well.

1 comment:

  1. that's unbelievable! i love your thought on that, i'dve thought the same, just never wouldve said it, but i'm dyin laughing cuz you did!!
