And she is there
Night fall on Sunday has my mind wandering about the week ahead,
knowing that this night together is our last for a while.
Even though my thoughts are a day or two ahead,
It is nice to reach over, and find that she is there.
The time zooms by as I am busy working with lots of people,
but then the day ends and it seems that I am far away again.
Strangers make a nice way to pass the time each evening,
But nothing like picking up the phone, and she is there.
During most days I have so many things to do and say,
it is during times like this that I hardly know that I’m away.
Of course there are some bright spots that can occur,
one is when opening my email to see that she is there.
Long days sometime seem to drag on with no end in sight.
Day after day – turning into night after night.
The one beautiful thing that I can always count on
is when lights are out and I close my eyes, she is there.
It is Friday morning and then the work day is wrapping up,
with another trip to rental return, then the nearest airport.
The best part of seeing the DFW area on final approach,
is when I walk out to curb-side to find my best friend is there.
Am I nervous again or am I trying too hard this time?
I have really missed her and want this to be special.
let me enjoy this time together when we are so close,
My special love, my heart beats with hers – as she is there.